What is “Learn in the Open”?

It’s a place where I share neo-nomadic life philosophies to help create a focused fulfilling lifestyle in a modern digital world full of distractions and newfound opportunities.

It’s a documentation of my curiosities. I create series where I share my progress in learning a new skill through doing a project.

For who?

Talented ambitious people full of potential, fogged out in their distracted surroundings, or anchored down by their fears and perfectionism.

For what?

To empower more people to achieve what they can, not what they are pushed toward by the society. To help more people unleash their creativity and vision, and put them into action.

Who am I?

I’m a beginner in many things. I have not “made it”. While I’m doing this I’m absolutely clueless. But that’s the whole point of Learn in the Open. I will share series where I make my ideas a reality in the open. It’s far from perfect, but it’s real.

I share series each revolving around one idea. My first series is to build an iOS app that collects quotes and organizes them. It’s like a scrapbook for writers. I don’t know how to build iOS apps, but again, that’s the whole point of this newsletter, to learn and to build, to go from idea to reality, from zero to hundred and beyond.

I will share the whole process, insights, failures, and my learnings in the open in form of monthly stories. You can check it out here:

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I also created NeoNomad, a twitter (X) page to share the nuggets of insights and to keep in touch.

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A documentation of my curiosities. I create series where I share my progress in learning a new skill through doing a project.


A documentation of my curiosities. I create series where I share my progress in learning a new skill through doing a project.